Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mama and Step-monster's 20th Anniversary!

Today is my mom and my step-dad's 20th Anniversary!  As you can see from the picture....mom has has an awesome 20 years with Carl!  Oh wait, wrong picture, my bad....such an easy mistake....
THERE we go...Im sure you see the resemblence...  SO, as I was saying, they have been together for 20 years now.  Good times, bad times.....just living life.  Both, never afraid to stand up for their beliefs.  Which is why on this day, when most couple would be in a hotel..playing a little Barry White...and drinking and wine and ......well you know!  Mom and Carl have put on their helmets and warrior gear and are headed off to the state capital of Albany, NY to stand up for our constitutional rights!  To say I am proud of them is a understatement.  And to be honest, Id rather think of them heading off to do political battle then the whole Barry White thing *SHUDDER!  :)  Love you...be safe Mom and Carl ...and Happy 20th Anniversary!
   Live Simply.
                                                                                 Bloom Wildly


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